Contact us

Egaratelek S.L.
C. Valls, 87 · 08223 TERRASSA Barcelona · SPAIN
T +34 93 783 47 77

    The communication you are about to send will be included in a file for which the controller is EGARATELEK, S.L. This communication will only be used to process your data to attend to your request, always in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), and other legislations in force. Your data will not be sent to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation to do so. They will be stored until you request for them to be deleted.
    At any time you can exercise your rights to access, rectification, data portability, objection and, where applicable, the limitation and/or erasure of processing, by writing to us, indicating your personal data to Calle del Mestre Trias, 84, 08223 Terrassa, Barcelona (SPAIN) or by sending an email to